Thursday, October 1, 2020 / by Traci Pimentel
Whether we’re ready for it or not, the 2020 presidential election is right around the corner.
As if this year hasn’t brought enough uncertainty, an election could be causing your clients to question their buying and selling plans…again.
Rocky political environments can create instability in the stock market-causing consumer confidence to drop. But the real estate market isn’t rocky…it’s rock solid. And delaying plans could mean your clients missing out on once-in-a-lifetime affordability.
To get to the heart of this, it’s important to understand how the history of past presidential elections combined with today’s market factors might play out in real estate this time around.
Here’s what we know.
The Real Estate Market Might Slow Down-But Not for Long
Historically speaking, home sales typically slow down in the fall following the spring and summer rush. BTIG, a research and analysis company, looked at new home sa ...
As if this year hasn’t brought enough uncertainty, an election could be causing your clients to question their buying and selling plans…again.
Rocky political environments can create instability in the stock market-causing consumer confidence to drop. But the real estate market isn’t rocky…it’s rock solid. And delaying plans could mean your clients missing out on once-in-a-lifetime affordability.
To get to the heart of this, it’s important to understand how the history of past presidential elections combined with today’s market factors might play out in real estate this time around.
Here’s what we know.
The Real Estate Market Might Slow Down-But Not for Long
Historically speaking, home sales typically slow down in the fall following the spring and summer rush. BTIG, a research and analysis company, looked at new home sa ...